The Trump Towers Istanbul is a multi use compound established on 23,000 sqm land containing Residential ad Office Towers at height above (-)50 mand an integrated Shopping Mall with carpark at (-) 50m level below ground foor with 10 basements.With 259,000 sqm total construction area, the compound stands as one of the largest estate inverstments in Turkey
– 39 Storey Residential Tower made up of 207 luxury apartments ,
– 37 Storey Ofce Tower to house prestigious businesses and amenities for its exclusive clients,
– Trump Towers Mall containing 185 store center and covering an area of 65,000 sqm.Optimal joint ventured with Dome Group providing Project Management, Quality Management, Coordination of Desing Consultants and Sub-contractors, Value Engineering Works, Approval of Monthly Interim Reports, Progress Reporting to third parties such as Trump Hold ing, USA.