The projects includes the consultancy services, by OPTIMAL + PROJACS Joint Venture, for the design of 25 public buildings and construction supervision of 35 public buildings having more than 400.000 m2 (mostly school buildings) decided to be demolished under the scope of Istanbul Seismic Risk and Emergency Preparedness Project (ISMEP) implemented by Istanbul Project Coordination Unit and funded by World Bank, European Investment Bank, Council of Europe Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank and KfW.
OPTIMAL act as the Design and Project Management Team in this specific project all from Design to Handover Stage providing services for;
• Preparation of conceptional architectural drawings to meet site conditions and
beneficiary needs for the selected buildings.
• Requirement of geo-technical surveys and data collection studies for the site to
examine the soil conditions for the buildings to be constructed.
• Preparation of all related construction drawings considering technical requirements and
applicable standards (structural, architectural, mech., elect., electronics, energy efficient
measures and design and communication, infrastructural and landscaping drawings, etc.) in
compliance with new local building codes in disaster prone areas.
• On-site construction supervision throughout the construction and defects liability period.
• Onsite and Off-site infrastructure design and supervision
• Supervising the “Environmental Management Plan” and fill the “Pre-Construction
Environmental Survey Checklist”
• Acting as Engineer and carry out all the duties envisaged in World Bank’s Standard
Small Works (ICB) / Large Works (ICB) – FIDIC Type /NCB bidding documents