Consultancy Services for Water / Energy Savings Case Studies of Renovation/Reconstruction Projects & EDGE Certification
Benchmark Analysis & Carbon Emission Reporting
• Before and After Analysis: Calculation of the energy and water savings realized in m2 and number of students, based on
comparisons of energy and water consumptions before and after renovation / reconstruction works for the selected schools.
25 (twenty-five) schools in total will be analyzed.
• EDGE Certification Benchmark Analysis: Sustainability benchmarking and reporting of three (3) selected schools using IFC
EDGE certification criteria and levels, based on the post-reconstruction/renovation status.
• Energy Performance Certification Analysis: Conducting calculations and preparing final Energy Performance Certificates of
three (3) selected schools, in accordance with the new BEP-TR EPC system.
• Carbon Emissions Reporting: Calculation and reporting of Scope-1 and Scope-2 carbon emissions using Quick Carbon
software in accordance with ISO 14064 and Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards for one school selected by the Client.